Sol Blog — health

Why You Should be Consuming Turmeric Daily?

Why You Should be Consuming Turmeric Daily?

There are over 6,000 clinical studies proving turmeric to be maybe the number one healing herb available today. This herb, which most of you can find probably in your own kitchen cabinet, has been used for over  5,000 years. It's used throughout Asia today, especially India and China. It's been found to be probably more beneficial than at least 20 different medications out there today. The reason why turmeric is so beneficial is it contains an active compound called curcumin.  Curcumin or curcuminoids, which there are many different types, are highly anti-inflammatory.  If you want to harness the benefits of...

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Is Your Gut Health Causing Weight Gain?

Is Your Gut Health Causing Weight Gain?

8 steps to a healthy gut, I know this is something so many people struggle with, which is digestive health.  So, how can you create a healthy digestion without supplementation?    A healthy gut is key, when it comes to metabolism, weight loss, and health in general.  Here are 8 easy ways to get your gut heal back on track.   Chew Your Food. Believe it or not, it's the least expensive, most effective way to boost your gut. Think about this. Now, listen, there's an enzyme in our saliva called ptyalin. You see, carbohydrates are a major challenge with digestion....

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