Sol Blog — vegan

The Health Benefits and Uses of Moringa Powder

The health benefits and uses of moringa powder, also known as drumstick or mallunggay powder. Moringa powder is made from the dried leaves of the moringa oleifera, a drought-resistant tree native to warm climates around the world. This powder has been used as a natural medicine for thousands of years and has many health benefits. This is also known as “The miracle tree”.  This powder contains 46 types of antioxidants, over 92 nutrients and a host of anti-inflammatory compounds, making it one of the most powerful superfoods in the world.   So many benefits of moringa, but I’ll just name a...

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Chlorella the SUPERFOOD: 5 Reasons to Take Daily

Chlorella the SUPERFOOD: 5 Reasons to Take Daily

What is chlorella?  Chlorella is a green algae and green algae is the highest sources of chlorophyll in the world. Chlorella containing over 60 different nutrients, lots of protein, in fact, more protein than that found in fish, chicken, and even beef. And Chlorella is 100 % absorbable compared to other sources of nutrients that are only be 20% absorbable— that means chlorella is amazing at getting nutrients into the body. Not only is Chlorella is very rich in protein, it's also extremely rich in vitamins and minerals they probably make up about 10% of its fiber is about another...

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Why You Should be Consuming Turmeric Daily?

Why You Should be Consuming Turmeric Daily?

There are over 6,000 clinical studies proving turmeric to be maybe the number one healing herb available today. This herb, which most of you can find probably in your own kitchen cabinet, has been used for over  5,000 years. It's used throughout Asia today, especially India and China. It's been found to be probably more beneficial than at least 20 different medications out there today. The reason why turmeric is so beneficial is it contains an active compound called curcumin.  Curcumin or curcuminoids, which there are many different types, are highly anti-inflammatory.  If you want to harness the benefits of...

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